Wildcat Mountain
Wildcat Mountain
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Submitted on October 28, 2018 by rocket21 (1404 Rating1404)
Session SessionMorning
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Ski Area
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions10% open; Spring Snow, Variable Conditions
Glades GladesTechnically closed, but lots of tracks visible from yesterday.
Moguls MogulsSome on the sides of the trail.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)None
Run of the Day Run of the DayLynx
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageCafeteria and pub open. Cafeteria french fries were about $3.50.
Comments CommentsLess than ideal weather to start, but surprisingly decent conditions, especially for the time of year. Lots more snow in Pinkham Notch than in Crawford Notch or Franconia Notch.

The open route down (legit top to bottom coverage) was Lynx Lair to Upper Lynx to Middle Lynx to Lower Lynx to Lower Catenary. A couple grooming passes were made down the trail, which had decent depths (only a few bedrock areas visible, easily avoided; otherwise probably a foot of packed snow). Coverage was wall to wall, as there was close to a foot of wet, natural powder. Before the wetter weather overnight into the morning, one could see that almost every trail was skied.

While crowds were reportedly heavy on opening day yesterday (reportedly a full parking lot), it was easier going today. They didn't put all of the chairs on the lift, limiting uphill capacity. Even then, there were no lines. There were occasional bottlenecks from groups, but many stretches of trail could be had without seeing anyone.

The snow surface started as wet packed powder, but transitioned to more of a spring snow as the morning progressed. Weather was initially drizzly (still more pleasant than skiing through snowguns), but blue sky was visible at times after 10 AM. Never a downpour or much of a wind.

I had only planned to ski 5 runs, but ended up staying for 10, getting it down to $5.50 per run. Not bad for October!
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Rating Report Rating4 Rating4

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