Loon Mountain Resort
Loon Mountain Resort
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Submitted on March 9, 2019 by rhodeislandskier (614 Rating614)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeSeason Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines3 to 5 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions98% open; Packed Powder, Loose Granular
Glades GladesAll glades were open except for Undercut on South Peak.
Moguls MogulsBig Dipper and Triple Trouble were ungroomed moguls. There were also moguls on skiers left of Lower Flume, and skiers right on Basin Street after intersection with Crosscut.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Six parks were open.
Run of the Day Run of the DayUpper Flume
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageHad a blueberry muffin at Camp III. Was nice and fresh. Cost was $4.09.
Comments Comments60 of 61 trails were open. All lifts were operational. It was a fantastic day of skiing! Comfortable temperature, blue sky with full sun. Nicely groomed packed powder snow.

Parked at South Peak to avoid the expected crowd at the main mountain areas. Got a nice spot close to the lodge. Skied all the runs over there to start out. There were no lift lines in the morning while I was there. All trails skied nicely including Ripsaw.

Went over to the West Basin. Skied down Speakeasy, it was nice. The Governor Adams base area was busy and the Kank quad had long lines. Went up the lift once and headed over to North Peak.

The North Peak trails were nice as well. Good skiing was had on Walking Boss and Flume trails. Sunset trail was nice but always had a lot of traffic on it when I came down it. Picked Rock, Flying Fox and Crosscut were smooth and skied nicely. The Grand Junction area did not seem as congested as I expected it to be for a busy day. The North Peak lift line got backed up at times so I took a few trips up the East Basin chair, also known as the Meditation Chair. This allowed me to ski down Angel Street, which was in great condition.

Returned to South Peak in mid afternoon. By then the headwall on Ripsaw was scraped off and icy. The other trails were still good though. I stayed longer than I planned to because it was so nice.

Tomorrow is the last day to lock in the lowest prices on next years season passes during the Season Pass Flash Sale.
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Rating Report Rating3 Rating3

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