Loon Mountain Resort
Loon Mountain Resort
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Submitted on December 20, 2020 by rhodeislandskier (614 Rating614)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeSeason Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines6 to 10 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions50% open; Loose Granular, Frozen Granular
Glades GladesNot Open
Moguls MogulsDidn't see any
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)On Crosscut, Did not partake.
Run of the Day Run of the DayWalking Boss
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageLots of options. Did not partake.
Comments CommentsNo change in trail count noticed since yesterday. However, South Peak is opening tomorrow. Ropes will drop on Boom Run, Twitcher, and Jobber.

Lifts Open: Gondola, Seven Brothers Triple, North Peak Quad, and the Kanc Quad.

Trails Skied: Exodus, Sunset, Upper Picked Rock, Flying Fox, Grand Junction, The Link, Haulback, Bear Claw, Brookway, Seven Brothers, Blue Ox, Rampasture, Lower Northstar, Upper Rumrunner, and Coolidge Street. All trails had the usual weekend full grooming. The underlying base was firm however. Lower Picked Rock is still not open yet, and the snow tower guns were still blasting on it all day. Also snowmaking was still going on at South Peak, Loon Mountain Park trail, and the West Basin runout area where the trails converge near the base.

Lift lines were short at opening bell (08:00), but got long quickly at North Peak where I was skiing. Then all of a sudden at 11:45 everyone disappeared and there was almost no wait for the rest of the day. By the time I made it to the West Basin (13:00) there were no lines there as well. Trails did not get skied off nearly as much as they did yesterday, with the exception of the Flying Fox curves leading into the terrain park on Crosscut. The afternoon felt like mid week skiing.

Weather: 18° at opening, warmed up to 25° in the afternoon. Cloudy all day, no wind.
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Rating Report Rating4 Rating4

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