Loon Mountain Resort
Loon Mountain Resort
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Submitted on March 13, 2021 by rhodeislandskier (614 Rating614)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeSeason Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines6 to 10 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions75% open; Frozen Granular, Loose Granular
Glades GladesClosed
Moguls MogulsFrozen
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)
Run of the Day Run of the Day
Food and Beverage Food and Beverage
Comments CommentsThe soft spring snow over the past few days froze up overnight. Today started out with mostly hardpack and many areas of chopped up ice and small golf balls. Ungroomed trails and glades were closed. An inch or two of new snow fell overnight, and until about 10:00 AM, which helped to soften some trails up a bit. Upper Walking Boss had nice sections of wind blown powder on skiers left for the first couple of hours. By 11 or so the sun was out fully for the rest of the day which helped to soften things up a bit. There was almost none of the forecasted wind today either. Lift lines were not as long as recent weekends. Overall, today exceeded my expectations.
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Rating Report Rating4 Rating4

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