Hermon Mountain Ski Area
Hermon Mountain Ski Area
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Submitted on March 13, 2024 by newenglandskier13 (767 Rating767)
Session SessionNight
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Third Party
Lift Lines Lift Lines1 to 2 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions35% open; Corn, Frozen Granular
Glades GladesNo snow
Moguls MogulsNone
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Closed for the season
Run of the Day Run of the DayScenic
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageChicken burger & fries for $13.11
Comments CommentsThere wasn't a trace of natural snow left at Hermon Mountain yesterday, but they did a really good job pushing the man-made snow that they had around to get good coverage on their open terrain. With no relief in sight from the warm weather and rain, they announced that it would be their second to last day of operation for the season.

There were four ways down the mountain still open, Slow Poke or Lazy Lane to Turkey Path or Longview, Scenic, and Cloud Nine. All had good cover with no bare spots, thanks to the excellent work of the groomers, although you could tell that there wasn't much base left in many places. Conditions across the mountain were spring corn with bright sun and temperatures around 40. As the sun set, things actually got quite chilly, thanks to the wind, and the snow firmed up.

As usual with Hermon, the mountain got quite busy, with lines peaking at about 5 minutes long around 5:00. However, lines were usually much shorter and were non-existent at the start and end of the evening. Although it's been a sad end to the season, these days of April-like spring skiing have been fun while they've lasted.
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