Jay Peak Resort
Jay Peak Resort
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Submitted on February 21, 2022 by snowphoenix (152 Rating152)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Ski Area
Lift Lines Lift Lines1 to 2 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions60% open; Variable Conditions, Variable Conditions
Glades GladesA few had closed since yesterday. The lower angle glades like Kokomo were fine, but the steeper ones were getting a bit skied off. Buckaroo Bonzai still had some untracked snow in the morning, but that was gone by early afternoon.
Moguls MogulsUpper Milk Run, Liftline, and a few other areas had some.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Same setup as yesterday, didn’t ski any.
Run of the Day Run of the DayBuckaroo Bonzai
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageDid not partake
Comments CommentsThe morning was the best part of the day by far. It was sunny and calm and I was able to take the third tram to the summit after waiting about 20 minutes. The views were excellent but it was bitter cold! I took Vermonter (frozen granular with powder on the sides) to Hell’s Woods, then rode up Bonaventure for Goat Run to Buckaroo Bonzai, where there was fresh snow to skier’s left.

Later on, the wind picked up and it got cloudy. I did a couple of runs down Andre’s Paradise via Wedelmaster, staying as close to the boundary on skier’s left as possible. There were a few nice areas but it wasn’t as good as yesterday.

All lifts except the Jet were open. Although the crowds weren’t as bad as yesterday, the more popular trails were getting significantly skied off throughout the day. Patrol posted a sign at the top of Goat Run redesignating it as a black, and closed it altogether a few hours before closing. The mountain could really use another foot of snow, and I hope to be there when they get it.
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