Waterville Valley Resort
Waterville Valley Resort
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Submitted on April 9, 2023 by nordicgal (1280 Rating1280)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions90% open; Loose Granular, Spring Snow
Glades GladesToo much fun doing bumps on ski trails never ventured into the trees
Moguls MogulsGood stuff on edges and a chance to dance on the National championship bumps
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Yep and I love landing on top of the mini Devil's Tower
Run of the Day Run of the DayAll of Sunny Side
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageFood truck was disappointing at 11:15 am. Reuben Hotdog was okay except hot dog was barely warm, $10 but chairs in the sunshine were nice
Comments CommentsSuper duper day! Not a cloud in the sky. Good grooming morphed into softer snow. A good number of people out but never busy. Green skied nice too, everywhere skied nice. Spring skiing is the best. Waterville has a lot of snow and trails open, get out. Only one more week left ahead.
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Rating Report Rating4 Rating4

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