Loon Mountain Resort
Loon Mountain Resort
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Submitted on January 13, 2025 by nordicgal (1408 Rating1408)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIkon Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines3 to 5 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions60% open; Packed Powder, Loose Granular
Glades GladesNope
Moguls MogulsCame recall any
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)They are building a lot of stuff, seemed like they had plenty of stuff
Run of the Day Run of the DayJobber and Twitcher, snow held up all day
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageTwo beers at South Peak, 12 bucks and then add tax and tip
Comments CommentsParked at South Peak early and booted up inside, lift opened right at 8 am. Snow conditions all day were surprisingly good! New manmade snow with a couple inches of cold fluffy snow didn't scratch down to ice. Wasn't too crowded luckily. No lift line control, good thing people were mostly polite. Noticed all lifts only had two operators and nobody organizing loading. Did not go to Kanc 8 or gondola. South peak was the best for trails fixed ways down. North Peak everyone had to descend Sunset and gosh the snow on Sunset was the best I can recall on a weekend, tons of loose granular and then we could cut over to lower Walking Boss that was it on North Peak. We did a few runs on 7 Brothers since gondola line was too long. Snow guns blasting away and hopefully more terrain will open soon. I was impressed with snow quality on what they had open. Did not ski trails serviced by Kanc 8.
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